About Steven Ronquillo

I watch crappy movies so you don't have to.

The Cessploitation Conflagration #8

By Nate Bradford & Steven Ronquillo We pop culture. EPISODE EIGHT: INTRODUCING THE R-MASSIVE A.V. CLUB or FILMSTRIP-A-GO-GO We all remember the joy of the classroom filmstrip. For most of us, it meant the difference between squirming our way through a boring lecture and zoning out to some poorly acted … Continue reading

The Cessploitation Conflagration #7

By Nate Bradford & Steven Ronquillo We pop culture. 1927-2011 EPISODE SEVEN: A TRIBUTE TO KEN RUSSELL (PART TWO) (See Part One) Ken Russell was a one-of-a-kind filmmaker whose movies, a heady blend of humor, horror, perversion, and social commentary, were always guaranteed to entertain, confound, and offend. Tonight we … Continue reading