X Anthroid isn’t really the kind of artist you expect to find in a little city in central Maine, but these woods are mysterious and home to a myriad collection of strange and beautiful minds. X, of Bangor, is a sculptural and three dimensional artist who also paints and creates steampunk-inspired clothing. Her website, Anthroid.net, is a work of art itself, showcasing X’s clothing lines, three dimensional work, visual art and poetry, among much more.
I was excited to have a chance to interview X a few weeks ago about her sculpture, steampunk, and her effort to “Quayify” her Victorian farmhouse.
BMC: What drew you to begin sculpting? How has your style evolved?
X: A wise, old sculptor whose work I completely adored once told me that he could see me working in 3-D. At the time I thought he was crazy because I barely had the patience to work in 2-D. And then, years later, I decided to give it a try. Imagine my surprise when I found out I actually loved working in this medium! As a bonus, sculpting has taught me a patience I never knew I possessed. I find the process to be therapeutic and relaxing as well. And I have gained a tremendous amount of hand strength as a result.
BMC: What materials go into your sculptures? Why do you choose these materials?
X: Anything I can get my grubby little hands on is fair game. Of course clay is the main ingredient. But I have a special process I put the clay through to give it a unique texture and look. I do love objects which are old and have decayed. So I try to give this look to my work.
BMC: Do you consider your work to be feminist?
X: Yes I do, although many people may not see it as so. I do like to think that I take my work to the edges of certain ideas and play with them there on the edge.
BMC: Many of your fashions are in the “steampunk” style. What do you like about steampunk?
X: I am very much drawn to steampunk as a clothing style. I love the ornateness of Victorian fashion combined with more dire and modern imagery. I have always been attracted to people and things which are “out of time” with modern society and steampunk certainly fits this description quite well.
BMC: You have said before that you wanted to make your house look like a Quay Brothers movie set. How’s that coming along?
X: It is still going. And going.. and going…. and going. Presently I have run out of funding to complete the project I started. I am perhaps halfway to the look that I want to achieve for my Little House of Quays. I shall get there. Sooner or later.
BMC: What have you been working on lately?
X: Well, aside from “Quayifying” my Victorian farmhouse I have also been working on new sculptures and have gone back to an old favorite medium; photography. I have acquired a vintage 4 x 5 [large format] camera and have lots of plans for this particular item. In addition, i have been working on a super-secret project that I won’t talk about until I am ready to unveil it.
BMC: Why did you choose the name “X” as a pseudonym?
X: I chose the name for a few reasons. ‘X’ is a shortened version of ‘Xcathedra’ [which is itself a play on the Latin word ‘Excathedra’]. I like the fact that ‘X’ is not gender specific, and holds no “importance”. I also like the significance of this letter, which is often used in the signing of documents, by someone who speaks another language, and cannot read or write in English.
There are many things that I do not understand about life, and the name just somehow seems fitting. Personally, I don’t care if anyone remembers me, or the name by which I am called. I am not that insecure. It is the images that I have created, that I want people to take notice of, and be affected by.