This is an in-depth walkthrough and demonstration geared towards those new to sampling concepts and/or the EPS 16+.
Part 1: Covering sample rate, filter rate, clipping, truncate, normalize, boost, envelopes, effects, and more.
Part 2: Covering volume, panning, key range, layers, trigger mode, copying / erasing wavesamples, and hi-hat choke / cutoff.
Part 3: Covering how to load / save / edit effects, assign effects to instruments, wavesamples, and tracks, and advanced bus routing tricks including Waveboy Parallel FX.
Part 4: A continuation of the effects / bus / Parallel FX tutorial using a real world example of how to mix down a complete song. Covering resample with effects, mono/stereo imaging considerations, and instrument panning and volume as it applies to in-the-box mixing.
Part 5: Covering sequence creation, saving, and deletion; click tracks; instrument tracks; loop recording and playback; note quantize; event editing and filtering; time shifting; mix volumes; performance data; and mute/solo modes.