About Etienne LaFitte

Let's go bare-knuckle!

Hardcore [1979]

This is a gritty, sleazy film featuring George C. Scott as Jake VanDorn, a religious and naive midwesterner who has to dance with the devil in order to save his teen daughter from the clutches of the West Coast adult-entertainment industry. This is a pretty strong movie, even by today’s … Continue reading


While sharing a name and a similar love for video game music, this group is not to be confused with the 8-bit metal band, Power Glove. This POWER GLOVE hails from The Land Down Under and is strictly electro. POWER GLOVE is wonderfully aliased, bit-crushed, vintage sounding, video game soundtrack … Continue reading

Zenith [2010]

Ostensibly directed by Anonymous, but presumably directed by Vladan Nikolic, Zenith is an artistic and cerebral indie film with pleasing visuals. Stylistically and thematically referencing many other cult films, Zenith’s approach is very ambitious, stylized, and heady, poising it for cult status itself. Zenith takes place in a bleak, gritty, … Continue reading

Zombie Zombie – Driving This Road Until Death Sets You Free

This is a stop-motion tribute / recreation of John Carpenter’s The Thing, done in very, very, high-quality stop-motion. It features G.I. Joe figures as well as a little live video and digital special effects. The “soundtrack” is Zombie Zombie’s Driving This Road Until Death Sets You Free, making this more-or-less a music video.

Quite similar in name and style to another duo called Zombi, this is retro rock with a style inspired by 70s and 80s horror movie soundtracks. Mostly consisting of acoustic drums, electric guitar, and lots of analog synth, this is a purely instrumental affair. The music is pretty derivative, although perfectly executed for what it aspires to be: Just some good old fashioned vintage ghoulish fun.

For fans of Goblin, Claudio Simonetti, Gatekeeper, Zombi (both the music group and the movies), John Carpenter, and 80s Hasbro toys.