RME Audio Drivers Archive

Please visit the official RME website first to see if your driver, software, and/or manual is available there.

This archive is only offered as a courtesy in the event that rme-audio.de is down or inaccessible, restructured, or in the event that software is removed from their official archives.

Although RME is typically very good about supporting legacy hardware, the HDSP drivers 3.36 and 3.42 are of particular note, as they are the latest versions to use the old Totalmix system and are unavailable elsewhere.

The archives are roughly sorted into Windows and Mac, although occasionally there is some overlap in the software when the package applies to both platforms.

This archive not affiliated with, nor explicitly condoned by RME. No guarantees are made as to the completeness of the archive, nor any other claims for suitability to purpose.

Please only download the specific files you need.

Windows (98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8)
Mac (OSX)

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