Ensoniq ASR-10 Factory Bundle
Essential Sound Disk AD-001
Grand Piano 1
Revelation (Transwave)Essential Sound Disk AD-002
Orch Strings
ASR FluteEssential Sound Disk AD-003
Roads Keys 2
Clean Guitar
Percussion 1Essential Sound Disk AD-004
French Horns
Rods Keys 1
Air ChoirEssential Sound Disk AD-005
ASR Organ
Jazz Bass
Mutes Trmpet
Tenor Sax
SolitudeEssential Sound Disk AD-006
Steel String
Nylon GTR 1
Rez Bass 1
Electric BassEssential Sound Disk AD-007
Stereo DrumsEssential Sound Disk AD-008
Demo Kit ASR
Versa Bass
Demo Percs
Demo Synth
Demo Flute
Demo P5-B3
Demo Effects
Ensoniq EPS-16 Factory Bundle
Essential Sound Disk ED-001
Flute 1
Piano 241
Jazz Bass
Jazz Drums
Blues Rondo
Essential Sound Disk ED-002
Rock Drums
Rock Bass
Multi Organ
Dist. Guitar
Essential Sound Disk ED-003
Hot Moog
Pad Punch
Essential Sound Disk ED-004
Jazz Clarinet
Tymps + Piatti
Essential Sound Disk ED-005
Piano Song
Essential Sound Disk ED-006
Bosendorfer Part 2
Digital Keys
Pop Trax
Essential Sound Disk ED-007
Steinway Part 1
Essential Sound Disk ED-008
Steinway Part 2
Tenor Sax
Rap Tools
Sax Song
Rap Song
Essential Sound Disk ED-009
Hip Orch. Hit
Gringo Loco
Essential Sound Disk ED-010
Nylon Guitar
Rock Steel
Nylon/Steel Song
Essential Sound Disk ED-011
Miami Brass
LA Guitar
Brass/Guitar Song
Essential Sound Disk ED-012
Choir Girls
Choir Song
Essential Sound Disk ED-013
Full Strings
String Song
Essential Sound Disk ED-014
Choice Drums
Essential Sound Disk ED-015
Club Scene Demo
Ensoniq EPS Factory Bundle
Essential Sound Disk ESD-1001
Grand PianoEssential Sound Disk ESD-1002
Acoustic Guitar
MoonlightEssential Sound Disk ESD-1003
Tenor SaxEssential Sound Disk ESD-1004
Power DrumsEssential Sound Disk ESD-1005
Pop Horn Section
Celestial Voices
Electric Bass
Upright BassEssential Sound Disk ESD-1006
Epic StringsEssential Sound Disk ESD-1007
Dream GuitarEssential Sound Disk ESD-1008
Electric GuitarEssential Sound Disk ESD-1009
OS, Utilities, & Other Materials
Operating Systems
Ensoniq ASR10 Operating System v1.00/1.61/3.53 (Omniflop & HxC/HFE)
Ensoniq ASR10 Operating System v3.53 (Bootable CD-ROM)
Ensoniq EPS (classic/original) Operating System v2.49 (Omniflop & HxC/HFE)
Ensoniq EPS16 Operating System v1.30 (Omniflop & HxC/HFE)
Firmware Binaries (ROM/EPROM)
Ensoniq EPS v2.40 (improved SCSI support)
Ensoniq EPSm v2.41 (improved SCSI support)
Ensoniq EPS16 v1.00f
Ensoniq ASR10 v1.50b
Ensoniq ASR10 Musician’s Manual
Ensoniq ASR10 OS 3.0 Addendum
Ensoniq ASR-10 Manual Collection (German)
Ensoniq ASR-88 Handbook v3.5
Ensoniq EPS Musician’s Manual v1.1
Ensoniq EPS16+ Musician’s Manual
Ensoniq EPS16+ OS v1.10 Supplement (Addendum)
Ensoniq EPS16+ OS v1.30 Supplement (Addendum)
Ensoniq EPS16+ Manual v1.1 (German)
Ensoniq ASR10 SP-3 SCSI Manual
Ensoniq EPS/EPS16+ SP-1 & SP-2 SCSI Manual
Ensoniq ASR10 & ASR88 Service Manual
Ensoniq EPS (classic/original) / EPSm Service Manual
Ensoniq EPS16+ Service Manual
Ensoniq ASR10 External Command Specification (MIDI SysEx / System Exclusive Documentation)
Ensoniq EPS16+ External Command Specification v1.30 (MIDI SysEx / System Exclusive Documentation)
Ensoniq FB-1 and FB-2 FlashBank Installation Instructions
Ensoniq FB Series FlashBank Manual
Ensoniq OEX-6sr Operation Manual
Ensoniq DI-10 (Digital Input & Output aka ASR-10 SPDIF) Installation Manual
EpsLin Neo v1.58 (Windows, macOS, Linux) [binaries only]
Open source disk and file management tool for Ensoniq EPS/EPS16/ASR samplers. Format floppy disks, format/create disk images, extract EFEs, store EFEs, convert between EDA/EDE and IMG, and more.
Ensoniq ASR & EPS Directory Listing Generator and Disk Extractor v0.4 (Windows & macOS)
Extract or generate text reports of instruments/effects/banks for EDA/EDA/GKH/HFE/IMG disk images. This is particularly useful for floppy emulator users to catalog their libraries.
Ensoniq SuperDisk v0.2
*for EPS16/ASR floppy emulator users only (no EPS)
Triple the amount of per disk storage on EPS16 and ASR HFEs when using HxC/FlashFloppy emulators. Less tiresome disk changing. Store an entire 2MB instrument on one EPS16 disk image, or a 5MB instrument on one ASR disk image. Put an entire ASR diskette on one EPS16 HFE. HxC/FlashFloppy is the sole requirement.
Standard 800K/1600K disk images (EDE, EDA, IMG, HFE, GKH) can be automatically repacked into SuperDisks; primarily for ASR HD to EPS16 SuperDisk conversion.
Provides EFE to SuperDisk conversion which puts all supplied EFEs onto SuperDisk. Mostly useful for repacking CDs/ISOs with smaller instruments onto SuperDisk which makes it much easier for non-SCSI folks to enjoy the plethora of material already out there. Use EnsoniqFS to extract EFEs (and optionally folders) from CD/ISO and then repack to SuperDisk.
Bonus feature: Includes the entire ASR factory bundle converted to EPS16 SuperDisk.
Users who cannot (macOS) or will not run the SuperDisk utility can use these pre-made HFEs.
EDA2IMG & EDA2HFE (ASR-series only) v0.3
Automatically and quickly convert Ensoniq ASR-type EDA files directly to Omniflop type images and HxC HFE. Also effortlessly converts 1600K/HD IMG files to ASR-ready HFE files.
Automatically and quickly convert Ensoniq EPS-type EDE files directly to Omniflop type images and HxC HFE. Also effortlessly converts 800K/DD IMG files to both EPS and ASR compatible HFE files.
Automatically and quickly convert Ensoniq EPS-type GKH files directly to Omniflop raw images and HxC HFE files compatible with both EPS-series and ASR-ready units. Runs on modern PCs unlike the similarly named (and nearly forgotten) legacy DOS program.
Note: GKH format is the same as a standard raw image file except with a 58-byte header. For the desperate or masochistic, this header can also be stripped manually with a hex editor, however tedious.
EFA2IMG/EFA2HFE & EFE2IMG/EFE2HFE v0.7 (Windows and macOS)
Automatically and quickly convert EPS/ASR instrument/effects files directly to Omniflop type images and/or HxC HFE. Most useful for those unlucky souls without SCSI.
EFE2WAV v0.40 (ASR & EPS Wavesample Tool) [Windows and macOS]
Extracts all wavesamples from ASR/EPS instrument files (EFE) and saves to standard WAV format. Resulting WAVs can then be used with other samplers, or directly in a DAW. EFE2WAV preserves the root note and loop points of each wavesample.
Converts Ensoniq ASR/EPS raw (IMG) or HxC (HFE) floppy disk images to Giebler EDA/EDE format which may be required for some legacy Ensoniq programs like the classic Macintosh program EPSm by Terje Finstad.
Multiple EFE2IMG & HFE v0.7 (Windows and macOS)
Multiple EFEs placed into the same input folder will be grouped together and stored on the same Ensoniq disk image. Supports creating multiple disks at once when EFEs are placed into subfolders.
WAV2EFE v0.60 (Windows and macOS)
Converts standard WAV files to Ensoniq EFE (or INS) type instrument files for use with EPS, EPS16, ASR, and TS-series samplers and keyboards. Sample rate can be selected just like when sampling via the analog inputs on the hardware itself. Use EFE2IMG/EFE2HFE to convert EFE to floppy images, if needed.
Supports TRANSWAV and all other modulation and loop modes.
Ensoniq EPS16 – Diagnostics (Test & Burn-In) Disk Bundle
Ensoniq EPS (classic/original) / EPSm – Diagnostics (Test & Burn-In) Disk Bundle [Revision B]
Ensoniq ASR Blank Floppy Image (IMG & HFE)
Ensoniq EPS/EPS16 Blank Floppy Image (IMG & HFE)
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