– 16×1 OLED display support
– All Notes Off disabled (butoba style fix)
In some machines, the EPROM is soldered to the PCB. The typical method for EPROM replacement in this case is to simply use flush cutters to snip the EPROM pins which facilitates desoldering. Then install a socket, and finally the new EPROM. Some machines will already have a socket installed which means the OS ROM swap is conveniently solder free.
And yes, the OLED fix for the Alpha Juno 1 is quite similar in concept to Jeroen Oldenhof’s work on the Roland Alpha Juno 2, but the JU-1 and JU-2 are different machines and the ROMs are not interchangeable.

Potentially Supported OLEDs
Vishay 016N001ABPP5N0000 (blue) or O016N001AWPP5N0000 (white) via Mouser, U.S. distributor
Raystar REC001601ABPP5N00000 (blue) or REC001601AWPP5N00000 (white) via TME, European distributor
Winstar WEH001601ABPP5N00000 (blue) or WEH001601AWPP5N00000 (white) via Comet, Bulgarian distributor
Note: This list is not necessarily all-inclusive, nor guaranteed, but it is very likely all these displays will work.