E-mu EOS on any Windows PC
As E-MU ended production of their hardware samplers in 2003, they were getting ready to release the final Emulator in 2004 – Emulator X. This was a software-only Emulator, and was backwards compatible with the hardware Emulator IV series samplers as it could both read and write .E4B files.
Important Note: Don’t be fooled by people selling Emulator X3 online, they have no agreement with Creative/E-MU and you’re simply wasting your money with them.
The first two versions (Emulator X in 2004 and Emulator X2 in 2006) required either an E-MU audio/MIDI interface to be installed as part of the copy protection scheme, but the third (Emulator X3 in 2009) only used an activation server. The activation server is confirmed working (as of 11/15/18), but–in the event it ever goes down–we’ve archived an activated version of the software using the open-source VirtualBox virtualization product by Oracle.
For help on how to use our VM image, please refer to this article on importing VDI files into VirtualBox.
There are three good reasons to incorporate Emulator X into a “modern vintage” setup:
– As a superb graphical editor for Emulator IV banks and presets
– To convert other sample formats to Emulator IV .E4B
– As an amazingly powerful virtual instrument
Here’s what the final version of the E-MU web site had to say about Emulator X3:
E-MU’s Emulator® X3 is the world’s most powerful and complete software sampling tool in the world, featuring E-MU’s new Xstream™ streaming sound engine with a up to 192kHz sampling and playback, 32-bit and 64-bit native applications for both Windows XP and Windows Vista, an arsenal of automated sampling/beat analysis/editing tools and almost unlimited sound manipulation that builds on E-MU’s 40 years of synthesis experience.
Emulator X3 features:
– Xstream™ 24-bit/192kHz Streaming Engine, featuring E-MU’s patented pitch interpolation and precision 32-bit floating point processing for unmatched sound quality
– 32-bit and native 64-bit applications included (32-bit: Windows XP and Vista; 64-bit: Windows x64 and Vista)
Optimized for Multi-core and Multi-Threaded processors to intelligently balance the processing load across all available resources for exceptional performance– Automated sampling, pitch detection and preset creation with integrated waveform editor
– Powerful synthesis architecture with over 50 Z-Plane filters and 100 tempo-based parameters per preset
– Standalone (64 MIDI channels) or VSTi operation (16 MIDI channels per instantiation)
– Sound Engine supports RAM and streaming playback
– Integrated effects processors
– Improved sound format support, including EOS, EIII, GigaSampler, MP3, REX2, .AIFF, SoundFont 2.1, .WAV, File Converter Application, and more– Ships with over 3GB of sounds, including the complete Proteus 2000 soundset, a stunning 1.5GB Grand Piano, 24-bit drums and grooves, Xtreme Lead X, and more – additional soundsets available
– Xplode™ beat slicer with MIDI and Tempo Map Export
– Comprehensive DSP Tools including Transform Multiply and Xtractor™
E-MU Sound Central Library
Platinum 88
Modern Symphonic Orchestra
Xtreme Lead X
Techno Synth Construction Yard
Protean Drums X
Beat Garden X
MoPhatt X
Planet Earth X
Virtuoso X
Vintage Pro X Vol 1
Vintage Pro X Vol 2
Vintage Pro X Vol 3
Street Kits
Beat Shop Two
We also advise Emulator X users to visit the E-mu EIII and EIV sections which contain Emulator X compatible E4B translations of many Emulator III/IV libraries.
Bonus Materials
E-mu PC Audio Drivers for all interfaces (Windows x64, beta)
PatchMixDSP Mixer & Configuration Application (PCI)
PatchMixDSP Mixer & Configuration Application (PCIe only!)
E-mu X-MIDI 2×2 Drivers & Manual CD
Emulator X3 User Reference Manual (English) [Mirror]
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