Yamaha MT Multitrack Cassette Recorders

Owners Manuals

Also known as: Owner’s Guides, Instruction Manuals, Operations Booklets, User Manual, Product Manuals, etc.

Yamaha MT1X
Yamaha MT2X
Yamaha MT3X
Yamaha MT4X
Yamaha MT8X or alternate version
Yamaha MT8X II
Yamaha MT8X – Planning Sheet
Yamaha MT44
Yamaha MT44D
Yamaha MT50
Yamaha MT100
Yamaha MT100 II
Yamaha MT120
Yamaha MT120S
Yamaha MT400

Service Manuals

Most of these feature schematics, block diagrams, and other helpful repair information.

Yamaha MT1X — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT2X and YMC2 MIDI Converter
Yamaha MT3X
Yamaha MT4X (rare!)
Yamaha MT8X
Yamaha MT8X II — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT44
Yamaha MT44D — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT50 — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT100 — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT100 II — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT120
Yamaha MT120S — not currently available, but confirmed to exist
Yamaha MT400

Troubleshooting and Repair Tips

Fixing dead channels, etc. — to be added


Information about various integrated circuits (IC chips) and other devices used in various MT-series products.

BA6138 – Square Law Compression Amp
NJM4558 – Dual OpAmp
NEC uPD78042 – 8-bit MicroComputer

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