Sample Libraries
WiseGuySynth DSM-1 Library
WiseGuySynth DSS-1 Library
Glen Stegner’s DSS-1 Disk Archive
Straylight Engineering DSM-1/DSS-1 Sound Archives
Korg DSS-1 Assorted Bundle
Korg DSM-1 CopyQM DSK to IMG and HFE v0.1
Automatically and easily convert all your DSM-1 related CopyQM DSK directly to IMG and HxC/HFE! Also painlessly converts DSM-1 compatible Omniflop raw images to Korg DSM-1 type HFEs, just for good measure.
Korg DSS-1 CopyQM DSK to IMG and HFE v0.1
Automatically and easily convert all your DSS-1 related CopyQM DSK directly to IMG and HxC/HFE! Also painlessly converts DSS-1 compatible Omniflop raw images to Korg DSS-1 type HFEs, just for good measure.
Korg DSS-1 Program Lister (DSK, IMG, HFE to TXT) v0.2
Automatically generates text report listings of all programs stored on Korg DSS-1 compatible HFE, IMG, and CopyQM DSK disk image files.
Manuals and Books
The Korg Dss-1 Sampler – Making It Happen (low quality PDF)
The Korg Dss-1 Sampler – Making It Happen (reworked PDF)